7 reasons your business MUST have digital signage - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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7 reasons your business MUST have digital signage


Digital signage is considered the ideal replacement for traditional signage such as posters, banners, and standees. It is any screen that can be used to communicate data and information.

 There are many cool things that digital signage can do for you. Here are reasons why you should include digital signage for your business:

1. Cost

It can reduce a business’s overhead cost for internal communications as well as marketing campaigns because it replaces print communication. It is also environment friendly compared to traditional signage where you need ink, printer, plastic, acrylic. The use of paper is also avoided. Printed products can pollute the environment and cause drainage clogs when not disposed of properly.

With digital signage, you no longer need dedicated staff to install or remove or replace signs. Ads or signs can be changed or stopped remotely using a web-based platform. Requiring less manpower saves money.

2. Flexibility

These can change numerous times a day such as in airports where flight schedules, announcements, and changes are continuously updated. Digital signs can also be installed in multiple locations within the airport so people don’t have to huddle in only one or a few locations to view their content. No need to reprint changes. You also waste less time.

3. Brand building

Digital signage can communicate different info such as special offers, sales, and opening hours. It is bright and dynamic so it easily catches attention for quite long if the content s of value. When it comes to the ability to build a name, digital signage is affordable. This levels the playing field between small and large businesses as they are both able to use digital signage in their marketing campaigns.
It’s been reported that
80% of shoppers say that they entered a store because of the digital signage they saw. Over 40% say that they have been influenced to make their choice of purchase. These results speak for themselves – digital signage makes people take action.

4. Use as a map to show where you are

Big companies most times occupy multi-level buildings where guests can sometimes get lost. A perfect example of this is the wayfinding digital signage. Visitors can easily navigate the building, get directions. It has a ‘you are here’ icon as a reference point for you to know your location in space.

5. Businesses can use them for posting emergency messages and company memos

Companies that have a lot of staff sometimes have the problem of their memos not being read on time if it is sent through email. By placing LED and LCD screens on strategic locations within the company, this reduces the likelihood of the digital signage with the memo message from being ignored by busy staff.  This works great for companies with many staff with offices located on different floors. With its dynamic sign, it motivates people to take action.

In case of emergencies, digital signage can warn the busy staff of an on-going problem within the premises. It can also communicate where to go and communicate other safety precautions while doing emergency procedures. This is a must if you want to secure the safety and well-being of valuable staff.

Companies that have a lot of staff sometimes have the problem of their memos not being read on time if it is sent through email. By placing LED and LCD screens on strategic locations within the company, this reduces the likelihood of the digital signage with the memo message from being ignored by busy staff.  This works great for companies with many staff with offices located on different floors

6. Digital signage as a directory

Big organizations and companies need this the most. Directories on large LED and LCD screens usually located near entrances or lobbies and can complement concierge services. It’s highly useful for guests as they don’t need to line up at the usually busy concierge desk to ask for directions

7. Reach a wider audience

Any business should have digital signage as their pick for marketing campaigns due to this one reason alone – it can reach a bigger audience.  It doesn’t just reach the general public or customers. You can run multiple ads in a day by crafting content that will target different groups. You have to choose the best time and best place to show those content so you will attract the right audience.

A variety of industries have included digital signage as a way of communication in their business as well as a tool for their marketing campaigns. It is an efficient tool for you to communicate within your business as well as to your customers. It is easy to set up. It is a standout from the crowd and can do wonders for your business.


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