Are You Doing All You Can to Sell with Social Media? - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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Are You Doing All You Can to Sell with Social Media?


eCommerce is now one of the familiar terms to all the budding sellers and the established ones. Nowadays, physical retail stores have also thought of developing a digital store to let their customers purchase online. You think that it is easy to build a store with Shopify or BigCommerce. However, how could you step ahead of your competitors as an online seller? You may have heard of the trend of selling on the social platform. To start selling on social media, you can raise different questions –

  • What is the right social channel for selling my products?
  • Are my tactics, applicable to every social platform?
  • What are the opportunities on different social media platforms?

Every day, you can spend 2 to 4 hours for promoting and selling your products on social media. However, for every platform, you may need to make a unique approach.

We have now come up with a guide for your social selling. You can check out whether you have applied all the techniques for increasing your sales rate at different platforms.

Selling through the social platform- Facebook

Facebook is one of the topmost networks, where you can start your social selling program. To grow your business, you may take advantage of all the features, offered by Facebook.

Product Catalog of Facebook

It is a unique feature of Facebook, and it helps you in linking your digital store inventory to your own business page at Facebook. Make the Product Catalogue by adding the items, and then link them to Facebook ads. This will increase your reach to the customers.

Industries that most commonly choose Facebook for selling products –

  • Clothing and gift items
  • Fitness and beauty
  • Home furnishings

Tricks to sell through Facebook

  • Never overwhelm potential customers while posting any content or running Facebook ads.
  • Set a frequency limit on the visibility to your ads.
  • Do not post several ads at a time

Selling products through Instagram –

Everything is visual at this platform, and interestingly, several Instagram users make their deals after viewing products at Instagram.

How to sell fast through Instagram

  • Post high quality, professional images for Instagram visitors.
  • The images have to make the customers feel that they need the product
  • The image or video, showing that someone is using your product, will double your sales.

Be a passionate pinner to sell through Pinterest

You may have heard about buyable pins. Buyable pins are those pins, which include the price rate with a blue label.

Connect your eCommerce site to Pinterest. You need to check Pinterest while adding any new product. The potential customers at Pinterest will find your pins and shop for your product.

The industries that prefer Pinterest are- Makeup, clothing, home renovation, home décor, travel, health sector and food and beverage.

There are various other social platforms, where you can sell your products. However, apart from selling, you must also reveal your brand personality to social media users. You should also be responsive to those who have made comments on your social media posts.

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