You can benefit from:
Electronic payments – Credit, debit, check, ACH, and gift card processing.
Customized solutions – Our payment professionals will work with each merchant finding the ‘right’ solution for their organization and analyze their processing statements for a customized proposal created specifically for them.
Invoicing and billing – Direct invoice customers giving them access to a ‘pay now’ page.
Reoccurring payments – Setup regular interval payments using any time period.
Batch processing – Sending many transactions all at one time.
Integrate with major shopping carts –, BigCommerce, Magento, 3dCart, Lightspeed, WooCommerce, cubecart, PinnacleCart, UltraCart, Shopify
Interchange Optimization – For business-to-business entities, we will ensure merchant accounts will be paying the lowest interchange available for all Business Purchasing and Commerce cards taking advantage of level 2 and 3 interchange categories.
Solutions for all environments – Retail, restaurant, health care, government, e-commerce, mobile, kiosk, charity.
Fast-Track Funding – Same day payment funding.
Software Integration – Using Commerce SDK, fully integrate our payment processing into the merchant’s application. Takes as little as 2 weeks to complete and makes EMV, PCI, and pinned debit easy as they are all integrated with Commerce SDK.
Global payment acceptance – Accept cards from anywhere around the globe.
One of Platinum’s solutions is Converge. It is a simple cost-effective payment gateway that will provide solutions in face-to-face, mobile, or e-commerce environments.
Using simple APIs, Converge can easily replace complex shopping carts at a fraction of the cost with its comprehensive benefits.
For more information about Platinum Payment’s, or eChannelHub’s products, services and solutions go to the following sites: