Top Reasons Why Text Marketing is Beneficial for a Biz - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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Top Reasons Why Text Marketing is Beneficial for a Biz


Text marketing has been around for quite some time and has greatly benefited businesses that utilize the marketing tool effectively and consistently. SMS texts allow a business to reach a target audience simultaneously and in real-time. The platform has been widely used to drive brand awareness and communicate promotions and discounts to existing and prospective customers. In addition, updates and new product lines can be communicated to customers for cross-selling purposes. Almost everyone has a mobile device, and people are becoming more attached to these devices, making SMS marketing a very effective marketing tool.

Excellent for Developing Markets.

Quite a number of businesses operate or have expanded to emerging markets where prospective customers may not have access to mobile data or WI-FI. Text marketing becomes the most suitable option for these markets. Most people in these markets use their devices primarily for calling and messaging. It implies that, in the shortest time possible, these customers have already read the information conveyed. Mobile service providers are continuously making sure that as many individuals have access to cellular networks. As such, a lot of potential lies in communicating about offerings through SMS in such markets.

Compliments other Marketing Media.

All communication channels ought to work incongruence. Information communicated via text messaging, email, social media, a business website, and even more traditional forms such as billboards, television, and radio commercials ought to convey the same message. While SMS can be great on its own, it can support a company’s efforts on other platforms. While emails go unnoticed for days or may land in the spam section, SMSs are often read in less than five seconds after an individual receives them. As a result, customers are prompted to take action relatively quickly. Connection to the internet is often lost when one is in a remote area and cannot connect to a network or utilize cellular data. As a result, access to social media and the web is cut off, and messaging becomes the only means to receive communication. Therefore, a text marketing service comes in handy for a business seeking to soar to greater heights.

Great for Conducting Surveys

Companies are over time shifting from conducting surveys on the web, email, or socials due to long response times. Conducting a survey via SMS allows customers or prospects to engage with you and respond in real-time or near real-time. Companies can get customer feedback relatively fast and implement actions within short periods. Questions in such surveys are mostly close-ended and give the customers the option to opt out at any point of the survey. Businesses that prefer their customers to undertake surveys online can also leverage SMS marketing. Including a link to a simple questionnaire online in a text message can prompt a customer to respond relatively fast instead of communicating via socials and email only to get them to fill in a questionnaire.

Customers are Given the Option to opt-in

Traditional modes of advertising such as television commercials, newspaper ads, magazines, and billboards rely on mass communication to achieve success. However, a lot of money is spent with these forms, and results may not be necessarily forthcoming unless an ad is creative and has a deep emotional appeal. Customers often ignore or forget an ad which means that a business has not achieved any return on investment. However, text messaging allows customers to opt in and opt out, implying that they want to receive communication from you. Text messaging campaigns are therefore cheaper, more customer-centric, and more effective. However, it is vital to avoid bombarding customers with too many promotions and updates; else, they opt out sooner than expected.

Customers get the Message Quicker

Unlike lengthy email, blog, or social media posts, SMS text codes appeal due to their brevity. This works for both the sender and the recipient. Texts often include a sentence or two and a link which means that customers can scan the entire message.

Text marketing is indeed very advantageous for any business. Unlike pop-up ads on the web, for example, customers do not perceive SMSs to be intrusive. However, Dos and don’ts of text marketing must be adhered to if the marketing strategy is going to deliver desired results.


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