Google Product Categories: Explore the 5 Steps to Success - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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Google Product Categories: Explore the 5 Steps to Success


Google product categories are primarily optional for e-commerce pros. Ecommerce experts realise they’re not real.But it is vital to optimize google.

Google indexes 100 terabytes of web pages. Without appropriate category data, your product can vanish.

Ecommerce retailers must learn Google’s taxonomy and google ads optimization. It will help their data stream to stay competitive in a total market. This course will walk you through Google Shopping optimization step-by-step.


#1 Create a Google Shopping Ad

If you have a Google Shopping campaign, skip to section 2. If not, we’ll walk you through Google Shopping basics.

Link product data to your advertising account. First, create a Google Ads and Google Merchant account and link them.

Check Google’s Google Shopping criteria. Next, determine if your goods or eCommerce site breaks Google’s rules. Inappropriate, hazardous, dishonest, or counterfeit products are prohibited. Similarly, how alcohol, adult, gambling, and healthcare products of google are presented is strictly regulated.

Google will veto any eCommerce site it feels is gathering data irresponsibly, so make sure your data privacy and security policies are up to speed. You also need a website optimizer along with it.

Create a campaign for Google shopping  Ads. Choose Campaigns in Google Ads, then “Create a New Shopping Campaign.” Cues guide rest. Campaign name,country, daily budget, campaign priority, bid, etc. To launch your campaign, click “Save.”

Google Shopping is just the beginning. Use Google’s taxonomy to organise your products so buyer search phrases may find them. You can partition your products into groups and control product categories under your Shopping ad settings’ “Product Groups” section.


#2. Learn  difference between Google Product Categories and Type 

Knowing how to use a Google product category and product type will quickly bring your product to consumers.

Google’s product categories Google’s taxonomy employs product categories to classify items. Google uses subcategories to better index your product(s). You can customise Google’s categories and subcategories. Customising this characteristic limits you to one class per product.

The product category is Dresses in the example. Skater dress is unique to the type.

A woman in a dress with the ‘products of google’ is one of the examples.

Product type: “Product type” uses your attribution phrases. If Google’s taxonomy doesn’t cover your keywords, use the product type. Auto > Shocks > Lift Supports, for example.

The product type helps define and categorise your goods using terms from your shopping stream.


Data feed product type attribute:

A spreadsheet excerpt showing Google’s text feed and XML feed

Keep your product type data to 750 characters. Use Google’s Keyword Planner . It will  help you find relevant search terms for your product and include them in the product type.


#3 Put every item in a Google product category.

You can sell things without Google product categories, but you shouldn’t. Finding the right product category on Google Shopping is crucial.

Google will categorise your product automatically. Most products can fit into two or more categories. Therefore Google’s crawlers may not place yours in the best category for SEO, branding, or marketing.

Finding the right Google product category (out of over 6,000 pre-existing categories) requires a solid grasp of Google taxonomy and your product market. Product categories vary in each country, and new ones are added constantly, making it challenging.

Google’s.txt file for English-language product categories might help you find the right one. Download it or copy the same  into a spreadsheet. After downloading the file, Ctrl+F can help you identify the proper category. If you offer a few things, this search is helpful.

There are techniques to streamline and automate a big product inventory classification depending on your preferences. We’ll show you how in step 5.


Create a Data Feed

Your product data feed includes its name, category, description, kind, and price. It’s also called a “data feed,” “shopping feed,” or “product feed.” It’s everything Google knows about your product.


#4 Choose a data feed format for your product line.

File data feed is a file (.txt or.xml) that organises an eCommerce website’s products into qualities Google can sort. Small businesses can submit an a.txt file to get started. Companies with hundreds or thousands of items or models need a spreadsheet.


This is a.txt file:

Google product categories.txt file example

A.xml file looks like this:

An example of a Google product category.xml file

You can use your spreadsheet editor or the Merchant Center’s template and instructions. Celebird creates effective product category templates.

Synchronise your data feed and website updates. Your data stream should update with pricing, availability, feature changes, and new goods. Whenever you make changes to your website (hourly, daily, monthly, etc.), upload a new data feed document from your database. Merchant Centre (and Google Shopping feed) will sync your modifications in minutes.

Manual syncing is possible, but a complex or frequently-changing product range can be demanding. Google’s Content API handles complex data sources and automates categorization.


#5 Automate product feeds with precise data

Google Shopping guarantees its clients a 600% (or higher) return on their advertising dollar; therefore, filling out all data stream qualities is a worthwhile time investment. For eCommerce sites with many products, manual entry isn’t possible. Automation helps. Google’s Content API is a powerful tool for Python developers.

Creating your product data feed involves filling out these attributes for every product in your catalogue. Also, google catalogue optimization is vital.


Fillup the following attribute for every product

  • Product Category – Google-approved keyword trail
  • Short, keyword-rich product description
  • As price tends to change, automation is a good approach for larger firms.
  • GTIN Info — Your product’s 14-digit international identifier
  • Manufacturer/producer of the brand
  • Image Link – Product photo
  • Is inventory available?
  • Perishables expiration date


Depending on the product, there are around a hundred more qualities. Again, specialist companies can quickly fill up these features, but a product line in the dozens would be a nightmare. A corporation with hundreds (or thousands) of items will drown.

google product list Shopping. It automates product administration, data feed schedule, and regional shipping/tax problems.

Open Google’s API Explorer. Allow API Explorer to control google product list.


An API Explorer screenshot

In the Merchant Centre, click “Content API” from the Settings menu (three dots). Create a new API key under Authentication. After downloading the JSON file, you’ll have a service account key you may use to start programming in Python.

Developers can run Python scripts on Google Merchant. Scripts can pull data from your website to generate a data feed that updates with pricing changes or other product changes in real-time (no matter how large the database).


Product Categories Are Just the Start

Even if you’re confident in your Google product categories and qualities, you must monitor your campaigns to get the most of your ad money.

In Google Ads’ Product Groups section, you may view Shopping Ad CTR and impressions. You may (and should) run reports based on category, type, and other attributes.

The unexamined Shopping campaign isn’t worth running, to paraphrase Socrates.

Tuning your Google product categories and data stream will make each ad dollar go further, each click more relevant, and your product reaches customers faster.

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