Image Sizing Requirements for Top eCommerce Marketplaces - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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Image Sizing Requirements for Top eCommerce Marketplaces


There are several things you have to keep in mind when selling things online. While of course the quality of the product is of utmost importance, what is equally important is its presentation. When you’re selling an item online, the first thing a customer notices is its photo. If the photo appeals to them, they’re tempted to click further and find out more about the product. Hence, you need to make sure that your photographs are of a high standard. Statistics state that if a product photo looks professional, it’s 15% more likely to sell than the others.

With the daily growth of channels worldwide, selling in multiple marketplaces is the wisest choice in order to grab the attention of your customers. We provide sellers with multichannel selling software and multichannel listing toolsto make it easier for them to keep a track of the items that are in stock and the ones that have sold out. However, the tricky part is adhering to all the rules specific to the marketplace or the social media channel, including the image sizes and the photo requirements. The emphasis placed on image sizing and quality by every ecommerce marketplace these days is immense, and one of the major reasons for this is the fact that most users prefer to shop on their smartphones. This makes it even more necessary for all the channels to optimize their images according to how they would appear on one’s phone.

Image Sizing Requirements

If you’re looking for image-related and other technical guidelines for some of the top ecommerce marketplaces and channels, below is a list to help you out with that.


  • The image must either be a cover art or a professional photograph of the product.
  • Drawings, illustrations, and concept art is not allowed.
  • The object should be in focus, and the image must have proper lighting along with realistic colours, and without any confusing objects.
  • 85% of the image frame should be filled by the product, and the entire product should be in the photograph.
  • The images that must use the front cover art and fill 100% of the image frame include books, music, and DVDs.
  • The background should be pure white.
  • No additional text, images, and graphics should be added.
  • Offensive and pornographic materials should not be used.
  • The accepted image formats are TIFF, JPEG, GIF, or PNG.
  • The dimensions must be 1000 or larger in either height or width preferred.
  • The colour mode should be sRGB or CMYK.
  • The file names shouldn’t contain additional characters, spaces, or dashes.


  • The image should either be horizontal or square so that the focal point appears clearly in the cropped thumbnail.
  • The product should be situated in the middle of the photograph because Etsy automatically crops images for use as gallery images and thumbnails.
  • If you’re selling prints or an original artwork, don’t use the digital file, but a photograph of the artwork itself.
  • Although brand logos are allowed, Etsy discourages the use of watermarks, for they make the image unsuitable for off-site advertising programs.
  • The specific dimensions to be used are as follows: 400 x 400 pixels for a profile photo, 500 x 500 pixels for the shop icon, 760 x 100 pixels for the shop banner, 3360 x 840 pixels maximum and 1200 x 300 pixels minimum for the cover photo, 170 x 100 pixels for the team logo, and the item listing photo should be at least 1000 pixels wide.


  • Use images with a clean background so that the focus is mainly on the product.
  • The lighting should be evenly spread across the object, and don’t use the flash on your phone.
  • Capture high-resolution photos and make sure the images are sharp and not blurred.
  • The product should fill the frame and capture the item from all angles.
  • Close-up shots are recommended,and filters aren’t encouraged.
  • Accepted formats are JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and GIFs.
  • Photos should be at least 1600 pixels on the longest side, but enforce a minimum of 500 pixels.
  • If it’s a JPEG, the image should be at least 90 on the quality scale.
  • There shouldn’t be any text or borders on them.
  • Each listing must have at least one photo.
  • The used items should be presented in their current condition.


Listing your products across various marketplaces entails that you know about the different image-sizing requirements in order to be on top of the game. Also, if you’re planning on selling your products on multiple platforms, our real-time inventory sync tool and multichannel inventory control software will help you stay on track regarding all your items.


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