The Do’s & Don’ts for Listing Products on eBay - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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The Do’s & Don’ts for Listing Products on eBay


The ecommerce marketplace, eBay, is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to showcase the items you wish to sell. There are several multichannel listing tools and multichannel listing software you can use to display your items on eBay. If you’re a company wishing to gain new customers and boost your sales, this real-time inventory sync tool is your go-to option. Any company looking to increase their reach and profitability, should definitely look into their multichannel product listing software in order to list thousands of items and sell them across the globe. In order for your relationship with eBay to work smoothly, there are certain things to keep in mind to make sure you don’t violate this platform’s rules and regulations; because in case you do, you might end up losing your PowerSeller status or have your listing removed. Here are a few do’s and don’ts to jot down as far as selling on eBay is concerned:


  1. To make sure that you’re not sabotaging your chance of being a potential seller on eBay, thoroughly read up their policies. Be it about restricted and prohibited items, or unpaid item abuse, these policies will warn you about everything you can and cannot do as a seller. As the best listing tool for marketplaces, eBay has very clear and stringent policies, and it’s always better to know them beforehand.
  2. To achieve the aim of complying with eBay’s policies as well as satisfying your customers, you should see to it that your product descriptions are as accurate and legible as possible. Everything from the product’s condition, colour, and exact size, to the possible damage, should be outlined truthfully. Not only will this help the buyers have faith in your company, but it will also prevent you from having unhappy customers who accuse you of not providing them what you had promised.
  3. Invest in a good camera or smartphone that lets you take high-quality photos of your product. Use different angles that properly display the colour, design, and quality of your product, and add it to your listing. Most customers tend to trust the product and company more if they are able to view photos of the product in question. Make use of eBay’s multichannel listing by producing as many accessible pictures as possible.
  4. Every new seller is subjected to category limits regarding a certain type of product. This entails that your company can sell only a limited number of products within a specific category. These limits are lifted as soon as you attain the status of being a trustworthy buyer with a record of satisfactory order fulfillment.


  1. eBay has an extensive list of prohibited items that include clothing, food, electronic equipment, etc. So, make sure you don’t list any of these restricted items, for it might lead you to have eBay remove your listing along with restricting your account and losing your seller privileges. Violating a company’s rights and ownership is a strict no-no under eBay, and its VeRO (Verified Rights Ownership) program also allows brands to report listings that threaten to violate their copyright. Their inventory management tool and software aids them in keeping a track of anyone posting prohibited items, and you should be careful to never find yourself in that situation.
  2. Misrepresenting any aspect of your product will not only lead to negative buyer feedback, but also disrupt your seller rating, which can also lead to your account being suspended. Include only those details that help the customers understand your product better. Never include external links either, because eBay will remove those to protect its users and keep them safe from spam or dangerous sites.
  3. eBay’s multichannel selling software has picture policies that ban anyone from using commercial photos. So, it’s imperative that the photos you include in your listing are the ones you’ve taken yourself, and not stock photos that violate copyright rules or hide the true quality of a product.
  4. Not adhering to eBay’s search and browse manipulation policy can make you lose you seller privileges. Always be careful about listing your product in the right category, or else it will just confuse the buyers, and you will exceed your category limit for no good reason.


For someone who is using eBay for the first time along with selling your product on other portals, it can be a tricky experience. Use multichannel listing software products to keep track of all your listings and make sure you stick to all the do’s and don’ts to make your eBay journey a hassle-free and fruitful o

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