5 White Hat SEO Techniques That Will Double Your Traffic - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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5 White Hat SEO Techniques That Will Double Your Traffic


White Hat SEO techniques involve Google-approved strategies that are used for optimizing a website’s ranking on the search engine result page. This is actually a long-term strategy that focuses on organic traffic.

However, whatever strategies you use, it should fall under the white hat techniques and should be approved by Google. At the same time, Google is updating its algorithm constantly from to time. This causes a drastic change to several websites that are not following the rules by Search engines.

The world of SEO is complex as it involves various ranking factors such as the website’s age, domain authority, domain ratings, keyword difficulty, competition on search engines, niche relevance, and many more. Even the slightest knowledge about Digital marketing and its ranking factors can bring a big difference to your website if you implement them properly.

5 White Hat SEO Techniques That Will Double Your Traffic

If there is a devastating drop in your website’s traffic and other metrics, then this means that you are not following the guidelines of the Search engines properly. Websites that are in a successful stage right now follow Google algorithms and stay up to date with their rules constantly.

At the same time, the website that follows Black Hat SEO techniques then they should be aware because Google can ban those sites at any time. This is the reason why still many websites are not recognized on the search engine result page.

Now, let’s not make you wait any further; here are the top 5 white hat SEO techniques that will double your website traffic to a great extent.

  • 1. Link Building
    Link building is one of the most effective White Hat SEO techniques that can help to increase inbound traffic to your website. However, you must follow on quality rather than focusing on quantity.Google considers link building as a white hat SEO tactic that helps to improve the website’s engagements, traffic, authority, ratings, sales, etc. Moreover, a backlink from a high authority website is much valuable and effective than low authority websites.Link building also boosts your website on the search engine result page and thus, double your website’s traffic to a great extent.
  • 2. Create A Powerful Content Marketing Plan
    According to Google, content is the king of digital marketing, and this is considered one of the top-ranking factors. Keep in mind, if your content is powerful and has all the keywords, then it can rank on Google without link building. This is the worth of good quality content.Hence, creating a powerful content marketing plan is essential to double your website’s traffic soon. Create good quality content with focus keywords and other LSI.However, this does not mean that you will do keyword stuffing. It is because this is a bad ranking tactic and may last for a short time. You must always go for a long-term strategic plan because I know how much effort it takes to uplift a website on the search engine result page.
  • 3. Great User Experience And Readability
    People on the internet use their mobile devices to search the web. So, to improve your rankings, you need to optimize your content as advised by Google. Search engines have always encouraged website owners to make the user experience their primary focus.The Google algorithm is getting smarter, and the competition to rank on search engines is also increasing with the same flow.

    Hence, if you want to improve your website’s metrics via white hat SEO techniques, then the main aim should include customer satisfaction, ease of use, improve user experience, and readability.

  • 4. Invest Time In Proper Keyword Research
    Now, another SEO technique that will double your website’s traffic is by implementing proper keyword research. You must invest your time analysing how your competitors are using keywords to target their audience.If your website is new, then instead of focusing on high difficulty keywords, you can focus on low difficulty keywords and make your website rank on the Search engine result page. You can also invest funds in guest blogging services if you are unable to make a powerful strategy for your website.

    On the other hand, if you want your website to grow with the implementation of proper White Hat SEO tactics then you can take the help of the best keyword research tools such as Ahrefs. This is one of the best SEO tools that you can use to improve your website’s metrics. At the same time, this tool will give you a general idea about keywords of all difficulty.

  • 5. Use Schema For Competitive Edge
    Now, another white hat SEO technique that will double your website traffic is a schema that you can use for a competitive edge. Actually, schema makes it easier for search engines to understand a page.This can help users to make search results stand out and can improve your click-through rates. Moreover, the schema is primarily used to create rich snippets for videos, review ratings, recipes, products, people, music, events, organizations, etc.

    Very few are aware of schema and its benefits. Google now prefers schema to a great extent, and those websites that are implementing the same are already enjoying the rich benefits of a schema for their websites.

The Final Thoughts

Google prefers only white hat SEO techniques, and if you implement the same for your website, then you will be able to view a good improvement in the long run. Moreover, white hat SEO tactics will help you to improve your website’s metrics, i.e., domain authority, domain ratings, and traffic.

You can also take the help of the best guest posting service for your website. Follow all the above-listed strategies accordingly, and you will get better results. Also, stay up to date with the Google algorithm, and implement it wisely.  

Author bio:

Sofia kelly is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas and experiences with the world through blogging. Sofia kelly is associated with Red hat Media, 7Best Things, Lawyers Inventory, Lawyers Note, SEO Growth Engine, Small Business Journals, Global Business Diary, Okey Magazine, Money Outlined & Get Me Seen.

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