Everything about top International Fulfillment Services: eBay GSP and Amazon FBA - | eChannelHub Multichannel listing software for ecommerce platform


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Everything about top International Fulfillment Services: eBay GSP and Amazon FBA


If you are an established entrepreneur, you might be thinking of setting sail in the International Market. On the top, it might seem like a daunting task to manage orders and shipping them across the world. But, you can rely on International Fulfillment services to do the work for you. Several options for outsourcing your fulfillment are available.

Let us take a look at the most popular ones- eBay GSP and Amazon FBA. Following is a detailed overview of how these two platforms work and the pros and cons of each.

Amazon FBA Services: What is it?

Amazon FBA is one of the most popular International Fulfillment Services among sellers. Storage, packaging, shipping are done by FBA. There are zero hassles involved when it comes to outsourcing your fulfillment through Amazon FBA.

 Pros of Amazon FBA

 #1: Increased Sales

 Cross-border online purchasing is already increasing. International online purchases are growing at 28% annually. If you are willing to showcase your brand worldwide, Amazon FBA is the right place to start. According to Linnworks, around 71% of Amazon FBA users said that they gained a significant 20% increment in their sales by using this program. The number speaks for itself.

 #2: Getting the Brand Name

Amazon has a massive customer base across the globe. If you are shipping through FBA, Amazon’s name gets associated with your products. It will easily invoke trust among the customers. The company has a reputation for excellent customer service. One can build a loyal customer base by opting for FBA services.

 #3: Multi-Channel Fulfillment

Amazon has a multi-channel inventory management system. It means that they can fulfill orders available across multiple channels and not just on the Amazon marketplace. The multi-channel inventory management can also help sellers to track inventory and analyze their market effectively.

Cons of Amazon FBA Services

 #1: Substantial Cost

 Amazon charges 15% of the product price from the seller. Besides, it also charges fulfillment fees, plus storage fees if your product has been in their storage-house for some time. Disposal fees and removal fees are taken into account if the inventory is unsellable.

 #2: Handling Issues

 There might be some issues where a product might get lost or get damaged in the process. The fault is mostly at the end of Amazon FBA. Sellers should keep track of their inventories. If any product goes missing, Amazon will reimburse it. However, in case it goes unnoticed, the seller has to pay the price.

 eBay GSP: What is it?

eBay has its Global shipping program that is available to the UK and US-based sellers. Sellers will have to deposit their products at the nearby depot station. Rest would be taken care of by eBay GSP. There is no hassle of international selling. Product verification, overseas parceling, and postage- everything is managed by eBay.

Pros of eBay GSP

 #1: Free Enrollment

 Sellers do not have to pay any fee for signing up on eBay GSP. The expenditure at the end of the seller depends on:

  • The original price of the product
  • Shipping charges to the depot
  • Additional fees.

 #2: Seller Protection

 eBay has a seller protection policy. If a buyer posts any negative reviews on your product regarding damaged delivery or lost in transit, eBay will immediately delete those.

 #3: Lesser Work on the Seller End

 Once the inventory has shipped to the depot, eBay will take full responsibility from there. Trading tax, custom form, overseas postage- eBay GSP manages it all. This global shipping program also offers efficient tracking or orders right from the depot to the point that it reaches the customer. 

Cons of eBay GSP

 #1: Delivery Costs

 Your customers have to pay for the delivery costs. Customers have to cover the domestic as well as international shipping cost. However, there is a catch. If a seller covers the transit costs, eBay will automatically give a 5-star review to the seller.

 #2: Separate Deliveries

 eBay GSP cannot combine the delivery of products yet. Every order is shipped and paid for separately.

#3: Slower Deliveries

The delivery speed is slow. Amazon FBA has this advantage over eBay.

#4: Country Limitation

This service is only available in the UK and US. Sellers of other countries cannot opt for eBay GSP as of now.


Every international fulfillment service has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Do extensive research and choose a service that suits your budget and needs.

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